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Frequently Asked Questions

Are extensions right for me?

Hand Tied extensions are great for almost everyone! Because we each have unique qualities about our hair and routine, an in person consultation is required to determine if extensions are right for you and your lifestyle.

Can you just tell me the price without a consultation?

Not exactly. Each set of extensions is unique in length, rows, and number of wefts. All those factor into the price and it is impossible to know the right amount for you without an in person consultation so we can feel the hair density. A new set of extensions is an investment in yourself, trust me, you do not want to rush it or skimp your experience by skipping this part.

Is my natural hair long enough?

Extensions look the best on hair that is at least collar bone length. If you aren’t there yet, that doesn’t mean you can’t get extensions, it could just mean that you can't go as long as you want. Filling out the consultation form will give me an idea of your goal & we can discuss it in further detail.

Is my hair too fine?

As long as there is enough hair to lay over the weft, you can get extensions. The extensions are light weight, and with proper installation any hair type can wear them. If there isn't enough hair to lay over the weft, NO WORRIES, we offer crown hair extensions for hair loss on the top of the head. This can be combined with traditional extensions to give you a perfectly seamless look.

How long does the hair last?

Your set of extensions that you purchase with your install are reusable. You will need to get them maintained every 6-8 weeks. The hair itself will need to be replaced every 6-12 months and that is dependent on home care.

Can I change my hair color?

Extensions can be colored for a perfect match to each client, however big changes are not recommended and extensions cannot be bleached. So if you are planning a big change to your hair color, its best to get new extensions and start fresh.

Can I wear extensions in the pool?

Extensions are not recommended for swimmers because of the chlorine, but you can use a recommended leave-in conditioner before getting into the water. You should rinse your hair with water when you come out of the pool & reapply your leave-in conditioner. The longevity of your hair may be shortened if you go into chlorine with it.

I workout everyday, can I still get extensions?

Absolutely! Sweat or oil does not negatively impact extensions.

 Is it damaging?

When installed & maintained correctly, hair extensions do not cause damage to natural hair. Proper application and at - home care are essential to preserve the health of your hair.

I wash my hair every day, is that ok?

It's not recommended (or necessary) to wash the extensions daily. You can do a crown wash instead of the whole head. It would be pretty time consuming to wash and blowdry your extensions everyday.

Are they uncomfortable?

They are very comfortable and light.

Can I still wear my hair up?

Yes, you can!

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